The Hotel SPENCER&HILL is in the category of 5 * hotels, with a total accommodation capacity of 238 units with up to 500 beds. The ‘A-wing provides hotel rooms and ‘penthouse’ apartments on the final floor, while the ‘B’ wing envisaged ‘condo’ apartments and VIP apartments on three final floors. The ‘A-wing includes a spacious foyer with associated facilities, administration, and bars, also business block with conference rooms, a restaurant with an attached terrace. Spa and wellness center with associated coffee bar and deck with pool positioned on the 8th floor. The wing ‘B’ includes a kitchen and the main restaurant with access to the pool, a coffee bar with a terrace, and a garden. On the 6th floor, there is a panoramic cafe bar with a terrace, deck, and swimming pool.
The circular pedestrian flow on the part of the public free ground floor is formed in the direction of the existing route along Witch Creek, with escalators leading to the mezzanine, ie. to the underground floors.


PROJECTS: Concept design, preliminary design, detail design

AREA: 32.319 m²
